Tuesday 25 March 2008

Tessa's bad karma and a cheeky headline

The story involving Tessa Jowell and her new gipsy neighbours is a brilliant tale of how the wheel of fortune can turn so cruelly. The Sun's headline "Cheek by Jowell" got a titter from me. Thriving on a hefty dose of schadenfreude, the story goes that Tessa, who evicted gipsies from East London to clear sites for the 2012 Olympics, now has 64 travellers as her neighbours.  The worst news for Tessa is that they have decided to stop travelling, having bought the land as a permanent home. Ironically, the gipsies didn't know who lived next door when they set up camp. But, since finding out, they are thrilled. Poor old Tessa: the MP must be gutted to hear the gipsies talk of "payback time" and boast that it will take eight years for them to be evicted for breaching planning laws. 

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