Tuesday 11 March 2008

Rewired and ready for action

Getting back into the swing of things after having my son Nathan is exciting. I've read some books to give me a giddy-up, like the brilliant The Greatest Freelance Writing Tips in the World by Linda Jones and The Renegade Writer: A Totally Unconventional Guide to Freelance Writing Success by Linda Formichelli and Diana Burrell.  More on these later, but just a quick note on one of the many helpful things I have learned:  Editors are human beings just like me. Having worked in PR for 10 years, I saw how the PR and journalistic worlds run parallel, rarely to meet as friends. It was assumed by some that if you had the PR chip, you didn't have the right wiring to be a good journalist. When I started out this held me back. As I get fired up for working life again, thanks to Linda, Linda and Diana for reminding me that a little fear is healthy, even motivational, but should never be an obstacle.  

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