Thursday 5 June 2008

Surely it's crunch time for loan sharks?

With the deafening noise of the credit crunch being blasted from the TV, radio and newspapers, it's impossible to avoid the bad news of economic downturn. So, why in today's post am I offered a £7,500 priority loan from the people with whom I have an agreement to pay for my sofa in installments? The fact that I can afford a £600 sofa in a few bite size chunks doesn't make me one of their "best customers" surely. If they bothered to check, my income is pretty low right now due to taking on minimal work while I look after my baby boy. So how come the loan sharks are still circling me? It's a bit of a worrying thought that people with as little disposable cash as I have may well be dipping into loans like this just to break even with rising costs of fuel, food and mortgages. The people sending out these loan offers should be held to ransom for putting temptation in people's paths. Now, where's my shredder...?

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